Never run out of business cards Again
Don’t need an app for S7Digital to work
Get your custom link at
Edit your information anytime
S7 motion digital card Do you lose your physical business cards or do you pay too much for them? Well, don’t worry S7 motion is introducing the tap N go digital business card. This is a modern technology that you can invest once to interact with your customers. You can share your business contact info., website or social media with just one tap. This process allows the card to transfer all details to the customers contact list.
Hold your Card near a Phone with NFC, and your contact details pop up on screen
Chnage Settings and update information as often as you want through the app
The patent-pending lead generation mode will automatically share and gather contact details from both parties via a text message
Chnage Settings and update information as often as you want through the app
The patent-pending lead generation
mode will automatically share and gather
contact details from both parties via a text message
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